Building according to Ricam Group.

Our mission is structural empowerment. Beyond resilience, we build confidence in the future, demonstrating that dedication to safety is an investment for generations to come. We are the ideal partner for the expansion, adaptation or renovation of structures, offering engineering creativity and cutting-edge materials.

Through a synergy between technical skills and innovation, we shape functional and reliable spaces, aligned with the constantly evolving demands of the industrial and non-industrial world. Each project is an opportunity to overcome challenges and create environments that are in step with the future and with the expectations of the sectors within our competence:

Active in the civil and industrial engineering sectors, Ricam Group manages construction management projects as a general contractor, defining the executing company based on the customer’s needs. The organizational configuration of the company and the highly professional and qualified staff allow it to cover all the development phases of the work necessary for the realization of the projects, respecting the defined times and costs.

Through its internal R40 division, Ricam Group is able to offer a complete and balanced offer in the infrastructural sectors through cutting-edge means, focusing on technical rigor and the valorization of the human factor.

Guided by a passion for excellence, we expertly strengthen existing structures and design new creations that blend safety, functionality and aesthetics. Each intervention is a work of precision, balance between technology and creativity, durability and compliance with regulations.

In fact, the company staff includes all the figures necessary both for the construction of construction works relating to the technical part such as designs, requests for permits and DIA, and personnel specialized in different sectors such as electricians, plumbers, painters and qualified labourers.


I rilievi aerei tramite droni rivelano dettagli altrimenti nascosti, ottimizzando la pianificazione e la gestione del sito.
Una panoramica avanzata per decisioni informate e flussi di lavoro ottimizzati.


Con maestria, i nostri collaboratori realizzano opere edili di carpenteria metallica e in calcestruzzo armato, plasmando una solida base per ospitare imponenti serbatoi di stoccaggio. La forza della struttura riflette la dedizione nell’assicurare una fondamenta sicura e affidabile, nel rispetto dei disegni tecnici.


Un’opera di consolidamento che prevede interventi di rinforzo strutturale tramite l’installazione di una struttura in acciaio. L’edificio, abbracciato da questa nuova corazza, promette stabilità duratura e sicurezza.